Obsession and compulsion

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that’s characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior. A person with OCD has unwanted, disturbing thoughts, urges, or images that drive them to do something repetitively.

Symptoms of Obsession-Compulsion

  • Thought block 
  • Apprehension
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Need to carry out the action
  • Being in a continuous loop
  • Fear of losing control
  • Double-checking and reassurance
  • Obsessive Thoughts

Causes of Obsession- compulsion

  • Genetic Causes- Higher tendency if the first degree of relatives are affected
  • Neurobiological cause such as Brain serotonin levels
  • Cognitive causes such as object fear association and Behavioural causes such as rituals, superstitions
  • Triggering Environment Causes and Traumatic brain injury

Treatment for obsession compulsion

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for enhanced understanding of ones thought pattern and behaviour and for an alteration of behaviour.
  • Family and group therapy for support, encouragement, social adjustment and reduction in conflict
  • Changes in lifestyle including regular exercise, balanced diet, proper sleep and avoiding alcohol and nicotine

Talk to our OCD Informed Therapist

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