We listen to you,
we understand you.

The best psychologist in India help you heal

What is our philosophy?

A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
And phanes is that friend.

We know it might sound like an old philosophy that you’ve probably heard many times, but this is the way it works. A true friend is someone that ensures they listen to your problems with an unprejudiced and non-judgmental approach and stick by you to help you get out of the toxic situations in life, however it doesn’t stand true in most cases today. But we still stick by this quote and create a comfortable ambiance for you so that you can discuss your problems openly with a friend that is experienced enough to guide you on the right path. Hence, Phanes is that friend that stands through your thick and thin and gives you a road map to travel smoothly on your life journey.

What is our intention?

To uplift people from the state of helplessness and empower them to become the best versions of themselves.

Why is it worth it?

It is always worthwhile to see a world where people are happy, healthy, and live in harmony. Phanes is exactly working to build that world for you.

How are we going to achieve this?

We evoke the ability of self-awareness and emotional intelligence and equip them with tools and techniques so that people can become the best version of themselves. 

Why should you choose us over others?

Because we don’t want to see you more than once. As soon as you complete your journey with phanes  we want to make sure that you are equipped with tools, techniques and strategies which will empower you to become the best version of yourself.

The significance behind the word “Phanes”

The word “Phanes” essentially means “the bringer of light”, but according to Greek mythology, Phanes was the God of Creation and Life – from whom all subsequent life developed.

The visionary behind Phanes

Aditya Sarao

is a Mental Health Counsellor and Internationally certified mindfulness coach. Since his school days, he had a keen interest in the field of psychology and spent many years getting trained under the guidance of globally recognized mental health and wellness experts. He pursued his higher studies in the field of psychology with the vision of overall health and wellbeing for all and found life-transforming results by integrating the ancient yogic and mindfulness modalities with modern psychology.

He has served thousands of people around the globe from all professions and helped them to create a healthy and harmonious life through his dynamic and personalized approach. His unique therapeutic approach goes beyond the traditional ways and focuses on the root cause of the issue which in turn helps an individual to completely transform his/her life.

Mental Health Expert

Being a Mental health expert, he can help you get through any emotional turmoil and facilitate inner growth

Mindfulness & Holistic Medicine practitioner

Internationally certified in this area empowers him to guide you to be the best version of you.

IPHM Approved Therapist

Being a qualified practitioner accredited by International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine allows him to apply a multi-modal approach to improve mental wellness.

Just talk it out