Anger management

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, neither good nor bad. Like any emotion, it conveys a message, telling you that a situation is upsetting, unjust, or threatening. Anger becomes a problem when you express it in a way that harms yourself or others. uncontrolled anger is bad for your physical and mental health. It can also quickly escalate to verbal or physical violence, harming you and those around you.

Symptoms of anger issues:

Anger that flares up all the time or spirals out of control can have serious consequences for:

  • Physical health. Constantly operating at high levels of stress and anger makes you more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, a weakened immune system, insomnia, and high blood pressure.
  • Mental health. Chronic anger consumes huge amounts of mental energy, and clouds your thinking, making it harder to concentrate or enjoy life. It can also lead to stress, depression, and other mental health problems.
  • Career. Constructive criticism, creative differences, and heated debate can be healthy. But lashing out only alienates your colleagues, supervisors, or clients and erodes their respect.
  • Relationships. Anger can cause lasting scars in the people you love most and get in the way of friendships and work relationships. Explosive anger makes it hard for others to trust you, speak honestly, or feel comfortable—and is especially damaging to children.

Causes of anger issues:

  • Stressful or traumatic events
  • Depressive symptoms like irritability, loss of energy, feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Anxious or obsessive compulsive thoughts that lead to frustration and in turn drive the person to aggressive behavior
  • Bipolar or oppositional deficit disorder that leads to anger, hot temper, and irritability  
  • Grief or loss of loved ones may stem into frustration and anger

Management of anger

  • Supportive psychotherapy to help understand and reflect on why and where the symptoms are arriving
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) can help a person recognize and cope with situations that trigger the desire to be aggressive
  • Behavior therapy to modify the existing addictive behavior.
  • Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) incorporate mindfulness in daily life, helping reduce symptoms.

Talk to our Anger-Informed Therapist