Career Management

Choosing a career is an important but difficult task. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit. Career counseling helps assess skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that works for you.  Management of career opportunities is considered to be an important step to take before deciding on a permanent career.

Career management is consultation or guidance specifically focused on a person’s career opportunities, most often provided for educational, work settings. It also may have the specific goal of enabling a person to change the direction of his or her career. The counseling will take into account an individual’s preferences, intelligence, skill sets, work values, and experience. Such counseling is offered to groups as well as individuals.

Help provided in career management:

Researching a wide variety of potential careers may be overwhelming, and information on the skill sets and education needed for a particular position may be contradictory or difficult to find. A career counselor will often be able to provide valuable information in these areas and others.
It may include,

  • Discussions around particular skills or talents
  • Daily working environment. Some people enjoy working in an office, while others might be more successful in a fast-paced or outdoor environment.
  • Educational commitment is required for various career options
  • Market and opportunities of various careers
  • The opportunities for change or advancement in a particular career
  • The necessary skills/education for a desired career

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